1929 Model A Ford Coupe 3d Free Download

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1929 Ford Coupe-Rusty to Solid

Compliments of Flop @ aaca.org


Needs some subrail work patch panels.rust holes and probably a few other things im looking over!! The car has a ton of family history for Miles and i cant wait to get it solid again for him


thanks alot scott!!

well just got back from a big vacation/work trip . wisconsin to work on a 40 merc convertible then to austin texas for the lonestar round up!! just got back today and decided to do some work!! man it feels good to work in my own shop again. gonna start on the cowl and work my way back .

a little rot to start off with


a patch panel for the most part that actually fit . i didnt use the beak in the front though it was crooked where the model orig was actually straight

after a little tig welding and some hammer and grinding


well the cowl sheetmetal is pretty much done .

next gonna do some subframe work

patch tacked in

a little rot left

finished up

drivers side finished up as well

started messing with the sub rails


well everything was going to smooth....something had to not fit right.

repop subrails are the culprit!

as you can see the pad where the subrail connector rivets to the inner connectors isnt even close . the orig connector had a step in this area to move it back the 3/8 of an inch so the pieces mated as you can see in the pictures.

and the other side showing the same


well got the front subframe connectors all buttoned up today..

had to have a slit put in them so they would sit flush onto the other piece like a stock one would

after being widened and riveted together

in place. not rivited in just holding it in place

and both

now its time to put it on the jig and make sure we are square before i go any further


well started on the subrail patches because i picked up a frame off a friend of mine ...

cut out the mess

new patch welded and finished

well then i ran out of argon for the tig so it turned into squirt gun sunday (mig) for the drivers side

didnt get to finish it tonight just welded it in


well apparently there are no repops made of this connector from the door post to the cowl so i had to whip up 2 of em .

heres the first side. they resemble the original but the og pieces have a shape pressed into them . i cant get the shape pressed into 16 gauge plus they are never to be seen again once the car goes back together

and i started on the other side

finished up the drivers side bracket this morning thats they dont repop

then set the seat pan in transferred the rivet holes and got everything lined up there. the rivets arnt set just keeping the panel aligned . i didnt put the rear pan in because it will be much easier to work on the rear of the car with out that piece in.

moving back ward to where the new subframe was once welded on . it needed some help in my opinion

a few patches later and a little tig welding its looking a little better

and the connection on the drivers side after

got all the welds smoothed out


this was a random hole cut here where there was a body mount

had to patch it before i put the subframe in

the subframe was cut to close to the brace so i couldnt clean up the weld nicely. so i cut out some of the new subframe so i could achieve that

and the new connection

put a patch in this riser .no sense on getting a repop when only 1 tiny section was rotted out

got it all smoothed out

this piece in my opinion this rear panel below the decklid is the biggest pain to get out of an A

after i got it out had to redrill and tap all 8 screw holes in the rear subrail

well up front to a rotten door pillar

a little brace so i can fix the bracing

bent this up made the step with a bead roller and all welded up ready to get covered in sheet metal!!

well got the quarter patched and the wheel well a quarter of the way in

i also wonder why they make the patches so horrible ? i mean come on almost a quarter inch short isnt from die wear!!

got the quarter squared away today

and heres a few holes of what was left after the patch was in

and this is it all finished up


thanks Larry & first born! if you are ever in Pittsburgh you are more then welcome to stop by

well took a run to snyders today picked up the rear patch for Mile's coupe as well as a truck full of other things

heres the problem .

which in-turn sucked in the trunk gap

a little brass and a double panel!!

tacked in

about 75% done

no real complaints with the panel either a little tweaking here and there but no major surgery to it yet !

1929 Model A Ford Coupe 3d Free Download


thanks folks!!

one of the biggest PAINS in putting together a model a is this panel.

its a horrible fit from the get go . the 'new bracing' is dreadful .

notice the giant twist

the orig panel wasnt the best . pinholes everywhere . i transferred the orig bracing to the new skin . it fit alot better after that

1929 Ford Model A For Sale


thanks luv2 !

shop organizing day car needed some sunlight

well the repop curved inner panel come with this fabulous trunk latch installed..

very happy Miles saved the one from the car.

finally got everything lined up and fitting as it should

the new parts with the old latch installed. works great!!

Unrestored 1929 Ford Coupe

1929 Model A Sport Coupe


thanks alot r1lark

ahhh they know how bad their panels are . ive called numerous occasions when i spend good money on a patch and it fits like garbage . usually they are a good start and need about an hour of tweaking to get it to fit right.

tig is amazing for sheetmetal . the weld is much more flush to the metal then a mig(being easier to grind) also it acts a lot like the orig metal when you are working it with the hammer and dolly and wont crack like a mig weld when hammering on it .

heres the quarter patch . again about an eighth inch short .


some of the last work in this shop!! moving to a new place next week!!

bunch of progress

1929 Model A Coupe Value

passenger side finished ! pinholes in door and the under side of the panel in front of the door repaired . wheel well a quarter patch a corner patch and cowl patch !


thanks dave!!

all finished up!

and the underside

1929 Ford Sport Coupe

Read the Full Article:http://forums.aaca.org/topic/190873-1929-ford-coupe-rusty-to-solid/

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